Taking Dictation
Being the new secretary and her first job, Candy tried her best to please the boss. David was the consummate businessman who always closed the deal and cut an immaculate figure in his expensive Italian suits and silk ties. He enjoyed his life as a managing director of the most prestigious real estate firm in the country. At thirty five he was still young and considered to be a good catch. Almost nineteen and her school life behind her, Candy liked her part time job, but had been offered another and had accepted yesterday, and now had to find the right time to break the news.
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Dictation was the most unsettling part of the day as she found David to be quiet a distraction. He was handsome for sure, but was annoyingly pedantic in how everything had to be done. Candy absently brushed a piece of lint off her jacket as she stared out of the window. She jumped as she heard her name bellowed from the next office. It was already after four thirty and she was late for dictation…again!
“I swear I will get that window papered over!” David said angrily. He hated being kept waiting, especially by this young thing that pranced around in short skirts every day, making him crazy. Did she know the effect she had on him he wondered? “So sorry,” Candy said breathlessly as she took her seat. David noticed her short skirt had ridden up her bare legs and he was sure he could almost see her panties! Were they white?
Candy looked at her watch and noticed it was drawing near five o’clock. “Unfortunately, you’ll have to stay back until this is done.” This was the second time this week she’d been late so she didn’t argue. Five o’clock came and went and they were the only ones left in the office.
Candy took down all of the notes and went to get up, accidently knocking the paperclips onto the floor. “I’m so sorry.” She spluttered. David sighed as she bent over, picking up the clips one by one, providing him with an excellent view of her long slim legs and right up her skirt. Yes, they were white. Candy picked up the last of the paperclips and turned to see a strange look on David’s face.
She looked down and saw the bulge in his trousers and she blushed, not knowing where to look. David couldn’t take it anymore. “Do you see what you’ve done? What do you expect with such a short skirt.” He accused. “You parade around every day showing off those legs, making me crazy.” Candy swallowed hard. She realised he wanted her and admitted to herself that she’d had fantasies of her own. “I’m resigning!” she blurted out. “Don’t be ridiculous.” He scowled. “You don’t have to resign because of this.” He softened his tone. “It’s not the reason. I’ve been offered a job with much more money and it’s closer to home. I’ve made up my mind.” She stated, handing him her letter. “Oh, so I can’t change your mind then?” David asked cautiously. “No.” Candy said.
Slowly standing up, a thought dawned upon David. Candy was not technically his employee now. “Ok, well I’ll organise your pay tomorrow as you wish to leave straight away. Come here then and give me a hug.” Candy approached him and slid her arms about his waist and he quickly pulled her close. She moaned as she felt his hardness up against her. As quick as lightning he spun her around and she was leaning over his desk, his hand slid up her leg and pulled up her skirt, revealing her white G-string. He spanked her with his bare hand. Thwack. “You’ve been a very naughty girl, haven’t you!” he breathed. “Ow, yes.” She whimpered. “You’re going to be punished” He continued. She heard him unzip his fly and watched the reflection in the glass wall of the office.
She knew she was going to be punished mercilessly for hours and gasped as the punishment began. They do say “spare the rod spoil the child.” However, Candy was no longer a child, and there definitely wasn’t any rod being spared here….
Lying Down on the Job
Life as a bedding consultant at the 'Sleep Factory' (name has been changed for anonymity) is never dull, according to our Simone. I've been working at the store for about two years now, and I quite like my job. I get to meet lots of new people, and many customers come back to buy our sheet sets and blankets, or update their bedroom settings. Generally, I lock up at night and turn off the lights.
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Sometimes the guys that come in don't seem all that interested in the beds but when they see me, all of a sudden they need some help. Of course, I know that I’m quite attractive so I’m flattered, and I don’t mind the eyes that roam my cleavage and my legs, but being at work, well you know. Having said that, there was this one time...
It was nearly closing time and I had this feeling that I was being watched…
I noticed a good looking young man at the back of the store looking at our king size beds. I said goodbye to Ron, the office manager, and told him I would look after this last customer and then close up. Ron turned around the open sign on the door and walked out.
I walked down to the king bed area and approached the man in the dark suit, noticing the expensive cut and how it hugged his v-shaped chest and slim waist. He turned to me and smiled and I noticed his even, white teeth and deep blue eyes. He asked me about the price of the bed, and I’m sure I answered, but I was caught up in the heady aroma of his aftershave and my mind wandered to thoughts about how warm his caress would be on my body and how he might touch me.
He must have asked a question, as suddenly everything was quiet and he was looking at me, as if expecting a reply. I felt embarrassed and this must have registered in a shade of crimson to match the bed cover as he grinned. I recovered my composure and asked him to repeat the question. I was taken aback when he proposed that he might have to ask for a huge discount if he had to ask again! I wasn’t quite sure what to say as he’d taken me off guard! He must have sensed my momentary lapse and countered that he might pay me full price if I offered him a kiss. I couldn't believe what I was hearing but I immediately said 'Oh sure', trying to diffuse the situation. I didn’t see the one swift step that he took toward me. I only saw the lips that were inches away from mine. I could feel his hot breath and my eyes were locked to his as he slid his arm about my waist. In one fluid movement, he lifted me onto the bed and I felt the length of his hard body against mine, and I lost myself in his deep, passionate kiss. I moaned as he kissed my neck and unbuttoned my blouse and in a blink we were uncontrollably enjoying each other. There could have been a thunderstorm and we wouldn't have noticed.
I couldn't believe it when I looked at my watch and it was 10pm! Ron asked me the next day why the computer had been logged off at 10.32pm and I had to pretend that I’d done some paperwork. I made a sale that night, and scooped a boyfriend as a bonus. We’re not together anymore. He moved overseas with his company, but he still calls me when he's in town.
Santa's Naughty Elf
Damian was getting a bit bored with his job. Being a managing director had its perks but was very demanding and having to stay back every night until 7pm was starting to get very tiring. Day in and out it was the same story - everybody wanted something from him and they all wanted it yesterday. The greatest distraction of the day was morning and afternoon tea. Every day an old lady would arrive with a trolley and Damian could get hot snacks, sandwiches, biscuits, chocolates and drinks. He felt rather resentful that he had no excuse to go out and have a proper lunch break.
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Christmas was drawing close and the office was down to a skeleton staff. As it was Christmas eve, Damian hoped that at least he would get some kind of christmas fare. It was 4pm and only a few people remained in the building. His stomach growled in protest as he forgot to buy sandwiches for lunch. He wondered if the trolley would arrive at all considering it was christmas eve.
He heard the familiar squeak of the trolley as he scrutinised the latest sales figures. “A cup of coffee and a slice of cake please.” He said without looking up. He expected the normal response from Gwen, the sixty something trolley lady. He would get a long list of what was and wasn’t available and more than likely would be disappointed with the selection. He heard the door close but didn’t look up – she would be back. The old boiler was probably getting the instant coffee.
Damian felt something brush up against the back of his neck and attempted to flick away what ever it was – some bug no doubt. He mentally noted that he’d have to speak to the office manager about the yearly insect spraying. There it was again.. Annoyed, he looked up and was startled to see a sexy young woman in a very skimpy santa outfit leaning over his shoulder.
“Hmm. I think you need to forget those figures and concentrate on mine.” She said in a sultry voice. Damian swallowed. “You’re not Gwen. What is going on?” The vixen smiled and said,
“I’m Tamara – santa’s helper. I hear you need a little help in the fun department.” “Oh, this is some kind of joke.” Damian said shrewdly. He got up quickly and strode to the door, only to find no candid camera crew, and in fact no-one at all in the office. He turned to face her and sharply inhaled as she was bending over his desk in a provocative position. She looked over her shoulder at him…
“Didn’t you only last week, wish that you had more excitement in your life?” She enquired with a cheeky grin on her face. “Simon. Did he put you up to this?” Damian demanded. He remembered a conversation he had with his counterpart in finance a few days ago, complaining how he wished he had more time so he could go and pick up some hot babe. She shrugged as if she didn’t know what he was talking about. “So do you want your present now?” she purred.
Damian approached. She was gorgeous, and her skimpy costume fit snugly in all the right places. He drew up so close to her that he could feel her hot breath against his neck. “So am I right?” he questioned hoarsely. “It would be very right if you used that bulge in your pants.” she responded archly. Damian breathed in her seductive perfume and couldn’t deny his desire for this wanton woman who looked at him so lustfully.
Finally, he could no longer control himself and lifted her upon the desk. “Show me what you have under that santa costume.” He whispered roughly. Tamara undid the red bikini top and let it drop to the floor. “Mm.” Damian bent his head savouring the creamy white flesh. Mandy groaned as Damian enjoyed the perky feast in his face. He quickly turned her over. “Santa’s helper has been very naughty this year.” Thwack. “You must be punished because you’ve been a very, very bad girl.” He continued. “Ow.” Tamara shouted with a mock shriek. “Oh, I intend to punish you mercilessly.” Damian said excitedly.
Tamara wiggled her bottom at him provocatively, the red mark impertinatly winking at him. He grabbed her long brown hair firmly. “I’m just getting warmed up little elf.” She gasped as he checked that she was ready for his game. “Now we are going to play unwrap the christmas present.” Tamara closed her eyes as she heard the zipper. She licked her lips in anticipation of what Simon had told her about his ample reputation…..
It turned out to be the best Christmas Eve ever. He would have to remember to thank Simon.
Best Service Ever
It was that time of year again and Ben was at his local mechanic to get the pink slip for his utility. The manager returned to the front desk with a clipboard. “You will need the service, four tyres, brake pads and the two front discs machined.” Ben frowned. “How much will that be?” “I’d say around about $1,500.” Dave, the manager replied. Ben wasn’t too happy with the price but he needed the ute for a job the next day. “What time can I pick it up?” he enquired. “Max should have it ready by 5 o’clock.” Ben left the shop and returned at 5pm on the dot.
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“Hello.” He called out. Ten minutes went past and no-one came to the front desk. Ben was starting to get annoyed and decided to go into the workshop. “Hello.” He called again, not concealing the edge of annoyance in his voice. “I will be with you in a moment.” A female voice replied. Oh great, he thought. Dave has left his latest girlfriend in charge whilst he’s gone off somewhere – how unprofessional. Another ten minutes went by and Ben again went into the workshop. “Will Dave be long?” he asked. He watched as his car was lowered to the ground and was mightily surprised as a petite blonde in overalls emerged from behind the car. “All done.” She smiled at him. “Sorry to keep you waiting.” “Oh, oh, that’s alright.” He stammered. She flashed a wide smile at him and wiped her hands on her overalls. “I’m Maxine. I’ll get the bill printed up for you now.” She brushed past him and quickly keyed in a few items and produced the bill. “Will that be cash or card?” she enquired.
He swallowed hard as he saw she had lowered the zip on her overalls. “It’s been a very hot day hasn’t it?” She stated, fanning herself with a magazine. Ben nodded his head slowly as he stared at her cleavage and handed over his card. “Is that savings or credit.” She asked. “gorgeous.” He said absently. “Thank you.” She smiled at him from lowered lashes. He watched how her body moved as she walked to the clipboard and back to the computer. “Hmm what?” he said nervously as he realised what he just said. “Oh, credit.” He said quickly. “Ok.” Maxine smiled wickedly at him as she processed the transaction and gave him the receipt. He gulped as he saw that she’d lowered the zip even more and he could see her pretty bra. “Haven’t you ever seen a female mechanic before?” she laughed and looked him straight in the eye. “I guess not.” He replied hoarsely. She giggled as she saw the bulge in his trousers.
Maxine was inches away from him now. “I think you also have a problem with your gear stick.” She whispered. “What? You tell me now?” He said indignantly. He saw the direction of her gaze and immediately understood. “Oh.” It was all he could manage to say. Before he knew it her hand was stroking his jeans and he groaned. He grasped her pony tail and invaded her mouth with his probing tongue, feverishly pulling at the zip so it lowered all the way to her waist. She gasped as he grabbed her provocative bottom and forced her up against him, feeling the hardness of his body and his obvious want of her. He moved her towards the front counter and hoisted her up onto the edge. “Just the right height.” He murmered. “Now how shall we get these off?” He made short work of the overalls and went to work on her mouth-watering body. He teased her with his “gear stick” until she could stand it no longer.
Ben helped her pull her overalls back up. “Now, that’s the best service I’ve had in a long time.” he said with a grin on his face. “I hope you’re not going to charge me any extra.” Maxine laughed. “Now, come again won’t you.” She smiled cheekily. Of course, Ben did – he came many, many times over the next twelve months, and was planning to keep the ute running like a well-oiled machine for the foreseeable future.